The Armchair Stonellectual

Breaking open the progressive mind

Friday, January 21, 2005

A Bevy of Beauty, A Frenzy of Freedom

Looking past all of the important stuff that Bush said yesterday during his inaugural address, such as the implication that we won't be stopping with Iraq when it comes to bringing/forcing freedom and democracy to the entire world, he also made this statement:

"Through much of the last century, America's faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea. Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations."

And as we nurture those seeds with the benevolent water of superior firepower, and the nutrients of armored vehicles, soon it will take root in the soil of democracy and grow into a giant redwood, towering above those formerly fascist nations. But not just one redwood, more like a whole forest, a giant freedom forest of grateful forceably democratic nations raining down leaves of freedom whenever the winds of terror blow. And the people who will live under these freedom trees, will rake up those leaves, into great big piles of liberty, and jump into the piles of liberty like children playing in ... leaves. Leaves of liberty! Which will then be collected and disposed of in controlled burns, because that's how you contain liberty and ensure that it doesn't build up and rot and then impede the growth of the grass underneath. The grass of ... of ... Freedom! Liberty! Environmental ... stuff ...

Ah. This is why no one reads this thing, isn't it?


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