The Armchair Stonellectual

Breaking open the progressive mind

Monday, January 24, 2005

"I can respect that he takes really weird polar sides sometimes, like Barry Goldwater did in his senility."

Maybe senility suits him. Sometimes, only by losing their minds do people truly become sane. Or insanity is just being a minority of one. Or, well, Pat Buchanan making sense, you try to make sense of it ...

More really weird, yet surprisingly logical - liberal even - polar sides from Pat Buchanan over at Media Matters:

BUCHANAN: Well, listen, the reason the terrorists are over here is because we are over there.

And Joe Scarborough actually had the nerve to tell Mr. Buchanan that he sounded like Susan Sontag, like that was a bad thing.

Now I kind of respect Pat Buchanan. And the world shifts on its axis ...


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