The Armchair Stonellectual

Breaking open the progressive mind

Monday, January 24, 2005

"One day you can't smoke in a bar, the next day the Rosenbergs who live around the corner? Gone."

Should Anti-Bush Journalists Be Tried As Spies?

Tony Blankley, editorial page editor at the Washington Times, thinks so:

Blankley suggests, in all seriousness, that [Seymour Hersh] – who compiled an impressive track record with a recent string of scoops regarding Abu Ghraib and related outrages – should be arraigned, and face possible execution, as an enemy spy.

By "anti-Bush journalists" do they mean any journalist who dares to question, second-guess or make public any unpleasant truths about the President? In short, any journalists who actually do the job that the media was meant to do, protecting the public by keeping an objective, critical eye on the government to make sure there is no abuse of power and that the constitution remains intact.

So any journalist who dares to do their job is in danger of being executed? Guess that means Robert Novak is more than safe ...

It's only a matter of time before we have someone telling us, in absolute seriousness, that the creation of a real-life Thought Police is not only justified, but absolutely necessary, in these troubled and dangerous times. For the record, no amount of war and/or terror will EVER justify torture, execution or an abridement to either our inalienable Freedom of Speech or our Right to Know.


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