The Armchair Stonellectual

Breaking open the progressive mind

Monday, January 24, 2005

Voting No On Torture

The Senate Judiciary Committee's vote about Alberto Gonzalez for Attorney General is on Wednesday.

As we all know, Gonzalez condoned the use of torture at Abu Ghraib, called the Geneva Conventions "quaint," was insufficiently vague on answering the senate's questions on his stand on the use of torture, and allegedly lied about helping to excuse Bush from disclosing a DUI. And Dubya wants to make him Attorney General, highest ranking law enforcement agent in the United States.

This a test for the Dems, a big, huge, will-they-take-a-fucking-stand-already test. They need us to help give them a push in the right direction, to tell them to vote NO on Gonzalez, because we want them to take a discernible stand against torture.

Let them know that this is extremely important. We do not want to be a party that capitulates on torture, because then, there is no anti-torture party, and that doesn't help anyone.


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